Birth of Vastu Purush

There are many types of belief in the creation of Vastu Purush, according to a tale in Matsya-Purana, long back again a fight between Lord-Shiva and Monster named Adhank, a drop of Lord Shiva sweat fall on the earth and it transformed right into a huge built human being (Vastu Purush) that made feared the planet earth and sky. He was cruel, horrifying and devoured everything on his method.  He was very starving, so he began to create penance to appease Lord Shiva and get a boon from him. Shiva was happy with his penance and made an appearance before him. Vastu purush prayed to Shiva,” Oh Lord! Make sure you permit me to consume away all of the three worlds.” Shiva stated,” Allow it be thus.” When he was granted the boon of consuming anything from the 3 worlds, all of the deities and demons (Rakshasas) also were terrified.  Therefore they collectively caught hands of the Vastu-Purusha and threw him to the earth with face downwards, mind in North-East and feet in South-West. 45 deties held his body, 13 from within and 32 from outside his body region. The names and relative positions of most 45 deities are given in the chart.

Authenticity of Vastu shastra

Geographical situation of an area impacts the nature, thus the vastu for each place changes. It is really is a well-known truth that 3/4th of the world includes water and the rest of the 1/4th earth. A few of the countries which were formed on the planet earth are prosperous although some others are in declining condition due to their geographical placement. If we look at a country, taking it as another unit, we can simply understand why that country is in rising position taking into consideration its religious, social, political, industrial and financial conditions.

Let’s take the types of few countries:

Let’s take a glance of Africa, Its North-East Portion was cutt off. On the West and North-West part of the continent the degree of the property is larger than that on the additional sides, and southeast and south have unlimited drinking water. All these circumstances are inauspicious relating to vastu shastra. Depends upon knows the ultimate consequence of this irregular placement. There have always been civil wars, ethnical famine and feuds stricken troubles. The individuals were treated as slaves by the white competition for a long period, they were thirsty of blood. But on the other hand, in the North of the continent, there exists MEDITERRANEAN SEA, which is favorable as per vastu shastra. In the eastern part, river Nile flows and that’s why civilization developed in Egypt and it got name and honor because of its world famous pyramids.



In the event of Japan, there exists a different picture of the islands. It is a developed nation. It had been developed in a short period, sustaining the on slaughts of the second World War. It really is in the “Land of the Rising Sun.” Though the area of the islands isn't much, yet its all-round development is praise worthy. The reason behind such growth is its Geographical position. There may be the pacific Sea on the East and North-East of the islands. There is an ocean in Southeast and south of Japan, which is a place of Fire, this why it suffered the assault of atom bombs through the second world war, due to which, they were destroyed. Besides facing the havoc there, JAPAN is the danger of regular earthquakes in this nation. This is due to the water moving on the South-Eastern Side.

Now, let's dicuss about our Motherland, India. Whenever we read the Background of our country, we find how big Empires rose and how they fell down. There have been many attacks upon this nation by foreigners, who plundered the country many a time. There is a Bay of Bengal on the East, the Indian Ocean on the South and the Arabian Ocean on the West. It is surrounded by water on the South-East and South-West sides also. It is only due to this cause that India became a target of foreign attackes. Of course, there is a Himalayas on the north of the Peninsula. The Himalayas with its pristine glory, is called the King of the Mountains. An excellent feature of the country is that it's a bit bent towards East. This is actually the only reason behind which our nation dominates, even today, depends upon in spiritual, cultural, literary and also philosophical field. Keeping in view the Geographical placement of India, those who want to create buildings, need to follow the concepts laid down in the ‘Vastu-Shastra’, so the owner of the building might get away from evil powers.


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